Everything You Need to Know to Lose Weight Fast and for Permanent Weight Loss
By Helen Evans who ran a highly successful online slimming club for 20 years
Remind yourself. Why is weight a problem?
- Weight gain is not just fat wrapped around your stomach and thighs.
- Being overweight means you also have fat wrapped around your heart and internal organs.
- Being overweight ages our joints, organs and causes many diseases.
What losing weight will do for you.
Losing weight is a natural solution to many health problems.
For example: Type II Diabetes, which is a chronic disease.
Lose weight and you can lose Type II Diabetes or send it into remission.
- Losing weight is anti-ageing for body and cognitive function.
- Lose weight for self-esteem. Look neater and feel better.
- Lose weight for more energy to enjoy life to the full.
Is being overweight your fault?
- Never has food been so cheap or so delicious.
- Never has life been so sedentary.
- Larger portion sizes mean we are overfed.
- When we don’t take care of ourselves, we comfort eat.
8 healthy habits for permanent weight loss.
- Follow a low carb diet. Avoid the white carbs – white carbs create fat.
- Make water your main drink of the day. Water is life.
- Follow a Mediterranean diet: colourful salad and protein for lunch (no white bread).
- Enjoy two healthy snacks and have one small treat per day.
- For dinner, eat vegetables and protein, no need for carbs.
- Always have a healthy dessert: fruit salad, yoghurt, fromage frais.
- Take some exercise every day. It is essential.
- At celebrations enjoy everything in moderation.
Success Tips!
- Love your body as it is now and decide to take care of it.
- Say “no thank you” to second helpings.
Is intermittent fasting for you?
We suggest a gentler traditional approach.
Try not to eat between 8 pm and 8 am.
This is your body’s healing and repair time.
If you have a medical condition always consult your doctor before making any changes to you diet or exercise regime.
If you need extra help why not try Actrim2 which will speed up the weight loss, making you more motivated to make the necessary changes for long-term weight management.