Why do I need a Collagen Supplement after 30?
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body.
It is the substance that holds the whole body together and it is found in the bones, muscles, skin and tendons.
Collagen is the connective tissue for almost all our structures, including:
Heart | Lungs | Arteries | Discs | Blood Cells |
Skin | Muscles | Bones | Cartilage | Liver |
Hair | Joints | Nails | Prostate | Other Organs |
Collagen is very important for keeping our bodies healthy, young and strong.
When we are young, our skin is made up of at least 75% collagen. It gives your skin that sheen and firmness of youth.
After the age of about 30, the level of collagen in the body deteriorates by 1.5% each year.
As your body’s ability to produce collagen diminishes with age, you see the visible signs of ageing on your facial muscles and skin; the bones lose density; the joints and ligaments become weaker and less elastic.
Cartilage becomes thinner and weaker at the joints it is supposed to cushion.
Hair loses its body, sheen and thickness.
Studies have shown that taking the correct collagen supplement can start to rebuild collagen levels.
There are different sources of collagen, but the best results come from a balanced combination of animal and plant.
The best combination is Hydrolysed Collagen Type II with L-Proline and Bamboo Extract.
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials carried out in France in 2008 over the course of 12 weeks showed excellent results in returning the skin’s youthful appearance.
A 2008 study in Tokyo of 33 women aged 40-60 who took 10 grams of Hydrolysed Collagen daily for 2 months showed a 91% increase in skin hydration and youthfulness and resilience.
Permea Plus Timeless Perfection is a natural anti-ageing collagen skin supplement, which contains essential ingredients proven to contribute to the maintenance of healthy skin and normal collagen formation.
The active ingredients include:
- Hydrolysed Collagen Type II
- L-Proline
- Bamboo Extract
L-Proline, the amino acid in Permea Plus Timeless Perfection, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, and is used as the building blocks of new collagen.
Our customers have noticed visible results within 6 weeks.
Permea Plus Timeless Perfection is the best gift we can give to our customers to help them to look young and healthy, but also to maintain their good health.
It is a very important part of natural health care for the whole body, as well as a beauty product.
Contents: 60 tablets
Dosage: 1-2 tablets per day
Side Effects: None known / Likely safe
Pregnancy and Lactation: Insufficient reliable information available, avoid using.